Dear Mom and Dad,
I can’t believe that the week is halfway over. Sunday night it felt like this time would never come and now I wish it was Sunday night again!
Camp HNW 2021 – Day 3
Dear Mom and Dad,
Is it too early to sign me up for camp next year? We are having the best time and learning so much about the outdoors, hiking in the woods, poison ivy (I don’t itch anymore) and knives in our Woodsman class.
Camp HNW 2021 – Day 2
Do you remember how I left you last night in my letter home? I was looking forward to going to sleep listening to the raindrops on my Adirondack roof. Well, soon after that the sky opened up!
Camp HNW 2021 – Day 1
Dear Mom and Dad,
Wow, I never realized when you told me a couple of months ago how I would enjoy Boy Scouts so much you were really telling the truth!! This is just awesome. I am so happy Mr. Satterfield gave me permission to get on his computer and write you tonight.
Crossover 2021
Friday Evening – April 23
Johnson Lake Pavilion
A full night of scouting! A Troop 1 “Culinary Team” special dinner will be served. Scouts can earn the horsemanship merit badge on Saturday.
Camp Ho Non Wah 2021
Troop 1 is ready to return to New Shirmer at Camp Ho Non Wah on Wadmalaw Island!
June 20-26, 2020 (Sunday-Saturday)